
Application to Rent Apartment

This information is sought to assure the most responsible residents possible and to assist the management in case of emergencies.
Your cooperation is appreciated.

(Ctrl + left click to select multiple buildings)
Applicant's Name:
SS #:
 Telephone #:
Spouse or Roommate:
SS #:
 Telephone #:

Applicant's Present Address:
   Owner or Manager of Present Dwelling:
 Telephone #:
   Number of Months at Present Address:
 Reason for Leaving:
Previous Address:
   Owner or manager:
 Telephone #:
   Reason for leaving:
Previous Address:
   Owner or manager:
 Telephone #:
   Reason for leaving:

Pierre Employer:
How Long:
   Kind of work:
Telephone # at Work:
   Average Monthly Income:
Previous Employer:
How Long:
   Kind of Work:
Telephone # at Work:
Roommate's Employer:
How Long:
   Kind of Work:
Telephone # at Work:

In Case of Emergency, Notify:
Telephone #:

List name, age, and relationship of all persons to be occupying premises:
List all vehicles to be parked on the premises: (including cars, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, boats, etc.)

Have you, your spouse, or roommate ever been evicted or left owing rent? Yes No
Have you, your spouse, or roommate ever been sued for non-payment of rent or damaged rental property? Yes No
Other Information:

  Owners affirm that they will not refuse to rent their property to any prospective tenant(s) on the basis of sex, creed, color, race,
national origin, familial status or handicap. Applicant(s), for their part affirm their understanding that the rental unit will be offered
to whomever in the owner's judgment will make the best tenant(s). This judgment shall include (but not be limited to) such items
as care of past owner's property, respect for fellow tenants, and prompt payment of rent.
